Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Reduce stress with your diet

I am taking a Leadership and Management course right now and this article I am reading has to do with stress, what it does to people,and things you can do to curb it.

One contributor to extra stress is diet. I pulled a piece from this article, "Overloaded Circuits" for you to read.

Diet also plays a crucial role in brain health. Many hard-
working people habitually inhale carbohydrates, which
cause blood glucose levels to yo-yo. This leads to a vicious
cycle: Rapid fluctuations in insulin levels further increase
the craving for carbohydrates. The brain, which relies on
glucose for energy, is left either glutted or gasping, neither
of which makes for optimal cognitive functioning.
The brain does much better if the blood glucose level
can be held relatively stable. To do this, avoid simple car-
bohydrates containing sugar and white flour (pastries,
white bread, and pasta, for example). Rely on the complex
carbohydrates found in fruits, whole grains, and vegeta-
bles. Protein is important: Instead of starting your day
with coffee and a Danish, try tea and an egg or a piece of
smoked salmon on wheat toast. Take a multivitamin
every day as well as supplementary omega-3 fatty acids,
an excellent source of which is fish oil. The omega-3s and
the E and B complex contained in multivitamins pro-
mote healthy brain function and may even stave off
Alzheimer's disease and inflammatory ills (which can be
the starting point for major killers like heart disease,
stroke, diabetes, and cancer). Moderate your intake of al-
cohol, too, because too much kills brain cells and acceler-
ates the development of memory loss and even demen-
tia. As you change your diet to promote optimal brain
function and good general health, your body will also
shed excess pounds.

If you think you can't afford the time to exercise, think
again. Sitting at a desk for hours on end decreases mental
acuity, not only because of reduced blood flow to the
brain but for other biochemical reasons as well. Physical
exercise induces the body to produce an array of chemi-
cals that the brain loves, including endorphins, serotonin,
dopamine, epinephrine, and norepinephrine, as well as
two recently discovered compounds, brain-derived neu-
rotrophic factor (BDNF) and nerve growth factor (NGF). control.

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