Sunday, August 26, 2007

New company

Hi there! My name is Sonya Looney. I'm a professional mountain biker, soon to be certified personal trainer, and ex-marathon runner. My company I am starting here is to help YOU become happier. I love fitness and helping other people achieve their goals. I have been coaching/giving health advice/training my friends for several years and have decided to have a go at making a real live business out of it! More about me, I'm finishing my Master's of Science in Electrical Engineering this fall with a focus on biomedical engineering. I'm currently working as a solar designer for Sunflower Solar and teaching(TA-ing) Circuits 2 at the university. I'm going to go to PA school in a few years too. Send me a message, I'd love to hear from you!

This is me.

I will work in the Denver-metro area, but will also do coaching anywhere.

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